Visiting high school

2nd-year student, IT department, FST Fatoni University visit and provide knowledge to high school students grades 4-6 at Nida Suksasart School, Satun Province under the IT safety & security Project objectives

  1. Students have studied about computer equipment.
  2. To make students more aware of the risks of using computers to prepare them. (Cyber threat).
  3. Students learn about designing media such as making a portfolio, making a resume, etc.
  4. To allow students to be able to expand their careers during their studies.
  5. Students learn about coding and controlling games by using basic code.
  6. Let students learn and experience the use of technology to create imagination and creativity.

All thanks for them that they tryna share about our departments and facility that will help to avoid any mystery future to those kids they will decide which way they like Inshaalah

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